May 13, 2012 marks 6 years of marriage for us. I could have never imagined how much life could happen in 6 short years! We have definately had ups and downs and we are always learning and growing as a couple. God has truly blessed us with great family and friends to encourage us on this crazy journey. I know that our marriage would not be what it is without our God at the center of our marriage. Our love for Him makes our love for each other so much stronger.
This year our anniversary fell of Mother's Day. What a double blessing to celebrate our marriage and our family on the same day. I am so thankful for my beautiful babies and the love and laughter that fills our house because of them. I never imagined that I could feel a love so deep and so strong. I find it hard to remember what I did with all of my time before I had them, because now they are my whole life! Love you Lily and Penny, so proud to be your mama :)