Friday, September 28, 2012


My Izzy Boo

Toward the end of July my dog Izzy started to follow me around the house, which I didn't think much of, until she started sleeping on me... I don't like things touching me when I sleep. Izzy has always slept by (but not touching) my feet for the past 5yrs. I went out the next morning and bought a few pregnancy tests figuring that Izzy knew something that I didn't (I had stopped taking BC earlier in July). Sadly all three tests over the next few days came back negative :( But Izzy kept whining and following me. I started to get really worried that maybe Izz was trying to tell me something was wrong with me. So I called and made an appointment on July 30 to see if I was having problems with my cysts (which had become very painful over the summer). She (my lady Dr) said she just didn't feel right about all of my symptoms and how things felt to her, so she ordered an ultrasound for a few days later. I love when a Dr says "things don't seem right" followed by "try not to worry"

At the ultrasound, the tech was very nice and was making a lot of small talk and then got very quiet and kept saying "hmm" "huh" "hmm" and then finally "I need to get radialogist" I was freaking out and the tears started to fall. I just knew she had found some cancer or something. The radiologist comes and in and takes a look and says "well sweetie, I am seeing something here, you are either about 4wks pregnant or... you're about to get your period. I would suggest you go home and take a pregnancy test"

EXCUSE ME Those are two very opposite things there buddy!!! I knew I wasn't pregnant because I had just tested the day before, but my Dr said I needed to take a test to rule it out before my follow up appointment. Believe me that made for an ackward conversation with my hubby on the way home... "well they said I'm either getting my period or I'm pregnant." Don's response "Isn't that the case every month?" lol it still makes me laugh thinking about it :) Well here is the test...

I walked down stairs and handed it to Donny and then fell into his arms crying. Donny was in a bit of shock to say the least! Then he looked at me and asked "Are you happy or upset? I can't tell..." I was and am overjoyed! What an unexpected suprise!! My Izzy Boo is more accurate than an EPT :) We are due April 12, 2013 and the girls are very excited at the thought of a baby in the house.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

First day of Fall 2012!

To celebrate the first day of fall we decided to head out to Tom Dooley's Apple Orchard for some apple cidar donuts! They have a pretty big play set the the girls had a blast exploring. They have been missing their daddy and didn't let him out of arms reach :)
Miss Penny

 After our visit to the orchard, we headed out to the Horicon Marsh. The girls love walking on the boardwalk and seeing all of the ducks and wildlife. We had a great morning spending time as a family!

Lily looking for birds

View from the auto tour
Daddy and his little girls
The girls looking for pirates :)

Out on the boardwalk
My Lily is really starting to look like a little lady

Another view from the auto tour

Monday, September 17, 2012

Halloween at the Camper!

Sept 15, 2012 was the Halloween celebration at Don's parent's camper. We took the girls up for the day and had a great time! We got to carve a pumpkin, go trick or treating and have a chilli dinner with all the neighbors.
Don and girls carving the pumpkin
Girls love their auntie Kels!

Tried to get uncle CJ in on the action

So Lily says she is a Princess and Penny says she is a ninja... Whatever makes them put the costumes on! Penny was originally supposed to go as a ninja but a nice neighbor gave her this costume that matched Lily's. So as we were trick or treating people kept stopping Penny and telling her she was a cute princess. Penny would get so mad and say "I AM NOT A PRINCESS!! I A NINJA!" We had a great time and the girls now have a years supply of candy :)

Little Red Marker...

So today I decided to take a much needed nap and let Donny watch the girls outside. Something told me they were being a little too quiet, so I went out to check on them. This is what I found...

Red Sharpie on the white siding and white door of our house

She decided to color the entire inside of their playhouse

Lily found Don's red sharpie permanent marker and decided it was time to color. She colored our white house and white screen door, the playhouse (inside and out), yellow chairs, the deck, her new rain coat and of course herself. So far no one's suggestions for getting it out have worked. We are not happy with our little artist.

She says she is very sorry

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

VBS 2012 Aug 5-9th

This year Lily got to participate in her first Vacation Bible School! I have really been looking forward to this for her. I LOVED VBS growing up and then volunteering as a teen at my home church. Lily was a little apprehensive at first for us to leave her there, but once she saw that Andi Conyers was going to be her group helper she was fine with it :)

This transition was not an easy one for miss Penny :( She cried and stomped her feet and screamed in the parking lot of church "WE NOT LEAVIN MY LILY!!" I took her to McDonalds for ice cream and to play in the playland, but every minute she kept asking if it was time to pick up Lily yet. She cried everyday of VBS and didn't like that Lily was having so much fun without her. No worries she will be able to go next year!

Lily did really well at memorizing her memory verses everyday for VBS, but she didn't do well at reciting them for Ms. Andi when she got there. One of the other volunteers shared with me what Lily said about her memory verse when Andi asked her to say it.

            Andi: "Lily saw that you know your memory verse"
            Lily: "Oh No! My mom forgot to send my paper!"
            Andi: "but don't you know it in your mind?"
            Lily: "I think I lost my mind!"

LOL... Not really sure how the real conversation went because I wasn't there but that is how it was told to me!

Lily learned a lot of new song and dance moves that she came home and taught to Penny. She learned how to play Duck Duck Goose and the Spider Web game.

I am so very thankful for all of the volunteers that make VBS possible! Lily loved it and is already looking forward to next year!

Lily first Day of Preschool!

 I am way behind again!! Too busy being a mommy :) We had a pretty uneventful summer this year. Unlike years in the past, we mainly spent time as a family. I can't believe it is already September!

Showing off her new backpack
September 4, 2012 was Lily's first day of preschool! I can't believe my little girl is SO BIG! She has been looking forward to preschool all summer.

Right before we took her to preschool!

Lily's teachers this year are Mrs. Matoushek and Mrs. Westphal. She was so excited when we dropped her off and she didn't cry or ask us to stay. The teachers said that she did great and was one of the few that didn't get weepy during the day. I am very proud of her and didn't know if she would ever get to this stage. This past year Lily has really come out of her shell and is finally enjoying being around other kids and not needing to be attached to my hip so much. She was so excited when I picked her and told me all about her day at school. She learned about the color yellow and the circle. She also learned about how God made the world!
After lunch Lily informed me that she is a big girl now and doesn't need to take naps. So I told her that she could watch a movie on the couch, but she still had to be quiet so that Penny could nap. She fell asleep within 5 mins and slept for 2 hrs!! Poor girl was worn out :)