Don was 4 when he had his tonsils out and I was 5, so we weren't shocked that they had to come out. We were greatful that there was a solution to her problem. That doesn't mean we were excited about Lily having to have surgery at such a young age. We were pretty nervous about the whole thing for the week we had to wait.
Lily's ready to go! |
Jan RN did a great job with Lily |
Waiting patiently for her surgery |
Lily's surgery went great and only took a few minutes and then about 30 minutes for her to wake back up. She was not happy when they brought her back to us and was screaming and crying that her throat hurt. Once we got her a grape popsicle she settled down, and then she downed 3 more in a row. They gave her some Vicadin and that seemed to ease the pain. After an hour they said she did great and could go home. Lily insisted on walking herself down to the car and was walking like a drunk. Everytime she would look up and see the balloon that nana bought her she'd say "Look a balloon" She did it several times and everytime it was like a new suprise lol.
Our little girl... higher than a kite! |
It did not take us long to realize that Lily was not reacting to the Vicadin correctly. they told us she would be groggy and tired for days... She bouncing off the walls and talking a million words a minute. Penny thought it was pretty fun, but I called the Dr to see what we could do. He said either give her just tylenol or mix half and half. When we took her off the Vicadin she would cry out in pain, so we stuck with it during the day and then tylenol at night so she could rest.
Lily loved her diet of popsicles, sherbert, and chocolate pudding! |
Lily got a lot of presents after her surgery: My little Pony from us, Madagascar 3 from nana and papa, Brave from grandma Mary, and Disney Princess Candyland from aunt Purple and uncle Al |
At the end of everyday since her surgery, when the drugs wear off, miss Lily just passes out. The Dr says she should start being herself again in a few short days. unfortunately she won't get to eat everything on Thanksgiving, but she will get to have her mashed potatoes and gravy! So thankful for all of our friends and family who helped or kept our family in their during this stressful time!