Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Our baby Fred?

Well, I am 24wks 5dys pregnant. This has been quite the pregnancy! It has been filled with morning sickness and now I have developed Tachycardia and a heart murmur. Basically I just pass out if I stand too long and my heart rate is too high. Lol can't just have normal pregnancies!!

Our big plan for this pregnancy was to not find out the gender of our baby, but the baby had other plans! At our ultrasound the baby showed us HIS goods lol. So we are excitedly expecting our first son in April!! The girls have stopped calling him Laura and started calling him Fred, but they know mom and dad will give him a new name in April when he is born. Here are the pictures from the last 2 ultrasounds.

It's a boy!

Christmas Day 2012

Waking up to the sound of our girls squeeling with glee, when they found that Santa had come, was enough to make my heart burst! They ran up the stairs to wake us up Christmas morning and tell us the good news. Poor Lily was just slightly dissappointed that Santa had not brought her the "jumper" (trampeline) she had specifically asked him for. We went down and dug into the pile of presents under the tree.

There were presents a few presents from Santa and my mom and sister Michelle and of course Don and I. Every year I buy my children a new ornament, it is the first present they open, and then they put them on the tree before opening the other presents. I will buy them one every year and some day, when they have a Christmas tree of their own I will give them their ornaments to decorate their trees at their houses ( a long long time from now). I love that starting our own family we get to start new traditions and still keep some of the ones from our childhood too.

After all the presents were opened we sent the girls into the kitchen to look for more presents. While they were investigating we pulled the "jumper" we bought them out of the closet and placed it in the middle of the floor. When the girls came back in, they did a double take at it, and then took turns jumping to their hearts content. I couldn't get them to stay still on it for a picture, maybe someday lol.  It was such a great Christmas and it was made all the more sweet by the fact that Don didn't have to work for the first time this year.

 This year we had a special Christmas dinner with our neighbors. It was a delcious Prime rib supper with Cheesy potatoes and green bean casserole. Along with an assortment of local cheeses and pizza dip. After we ate (way too much) we all decorated Christmas cookies together. I was a wonderful Christmas and so much fun!

Christmas Eve 2012

Christmas Eve we got up early and headed to Don's parent's house for their Christmas. The girls had a little trouble waiting for everyone to arrive and eat brunch before we could open presents. Poor Pen broke out into tears a few times, but they did manage to wait :) We had a yummy brunch of egg bake, cinnamon rolls, banana bread (Nana bread), and cutie oranges. It was a delicious way to start the day!

After brunch we opened presents. We always let the girls open their presents first so they don't lose their patience. They got presents from uncle CJ, Nana and Papa and aunt Kelsey and Greg. Some of the highlights were new back packs, new PJs, sweat suits, Bean bags, baby dolls and Lala Loopsy dolls.

After the girls ripped through their presents it was time for the rest of us to exchange gifts. The last few years it has become a tradition for the adults to exchange names and do secret santas. This year I picked Greg's name and Don picked his mom's name. Don's dad picked my name and Greg picked Don's name. I think CJ had Kelsey, Kelsey had dad  and Jackie had CJ (but don't quote me ;) ). Donny really enjoyed his presents from Greg (hunting and beer gifts are the way to my husband's heart lol) We have really enjoyed having Greg as an addition to our family his personality and sense of humor fits well with our crazy bunch :). My father in law blessed me with some much needed maternity clothes!! And a new candle for my kitchen (warm apple pie YUM). The present that meant the most was the book he gave me, "Count Your Blessings". I cherish the man that my father in law is and raised my husband to be. I gladly take his fatherly advice and will cherish this book forever. We made some great memories this year and can't wait for another little one to be crawling around next Christmas!

Christmas Eve evening I got to serve on the worship team for our Christmas Eve candle lit services at church. I have really enjoyed adding this to our family traditions. Though there were a few bumps in the road, the service was beautiful and it is so wonderful to be surrounded by our church family and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas together. This year I had the unique oppurtunity of singing "Breath of Heaven" (Mary's song), while pregnant and carrying a son. I had to not think about the words while singing, because it is such an emotional song. I cannot imagine what Mary felt like carrying God's child. I have trouble getting in and out of the car at times, I can't imagine get on and off at donkey at full. It was very special and an experience I won't forget.