Thursday, November 24, 2011

What I am most thankful for

In the spirit of Thanksgiving I decided to write about what I am most thankful for. I had to think for a while on what that one thing on this earth is that I am "most" thankful for. Everything in my life that I am really thankful for come back to one person... my husband Don...

This post is not meant to be mushy, just honest. When I got to York College in 2003 I was in no way looking for a husband or a relationship. I had left my best friends behind with the assurance that I would never get married or ever have any children. I wanted to become a successful business woman and live my life for me; no chance for heartbreak or divorce. Then I met Don...

No, it was not love at first sight, not for me anyway! Many people know that Don proposed marriage to me before he ever asked me out on a date. He knew that I was the one for him from the beginning. He was persistent and prayed for God to change my heart. Obviously we have a great God and a powerful God to break through my stubburn heart and allow for the wonderful things that my life could be.

The thing that I love most about my husband is his worry-free heart. Donny is as carefree as the wind, which is in direct opposition of my planning and controling life-style. He is always calming me out of some sort of panic or worry. He is always reminding me that our lives will happen the way they are supposed to and we just need to enjoy the ride.

Don is always making me try new things... like turkey hunting!
 My friends have all told me that if they could have picked any husband for me, it probably never would have been Donny. Somehow it just works for us to be so different. Because of my husband I can say that I have: roofed a warehouse and a house, turkey hunted, installed a car stereo, installed subs into a car, driven a stick shift truck and most importantly have had the chance to feel the joy of being a mother.

I did not think it was possible to fall more in love with my husband until we had our beautiful daughters. Don is such a loving father. He is so protective of them, I feel bad for any guy they ever bring home! I have seen his silly side while he is horsing around on the floor with them. I have seen his most sincere side as he tries to teach the girls about new things. I have seen him at his weakest, when the girls have visited the ER. I have seen him at his strongest when the girls are headed for danger. I am so thankful that God blessed us with these girls!

Don holding Lily 1-30-09

Don holding Penny 6-7-10

I am so thankful for the Husband that God chose for me. He is loving and caring and passionate about life. I am constantly amazed at the things he can create out of a few nails and boards. He is the kind of friend that anyone would want. He will give you the shirt off his back and his shoes and underwear too if you need it :) Don has given me the gift of unconditional love and for that I am most thankful.

"I Hilary, take you Don to be my lawfully wedded husband. For better or for worse, For richer or poorer. in sickness and in health. Until death do we part."

Meant it then and always.

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