Friday, December 9, 2011

The girls meet Santa!

The girls have been asking about Santa a lot this so I decided that this would be there year we finally take them to meet him. My former co-workers at Fox Valley Savings Bank called to tell me he would be stopping by the bank on 12/9/11. Don unfortunately told them this morning that they were going to meet Santa... Santa wasn't coming until 3:30 and the girls cannot tell time yet UGH!

When we pulled up to the bank and the girls were screaming with excitement "We're going to meet Santa!!"

It was a completely different story once we got inside... There were a lot of tears shed and Penny screamed we he approached them. LOL It took some coaxing, cookies, a goody bag, and mommy sitting by Santa for them to finally warm up. Luckily we were the only ones there so we could take our time.

The girls meet Santa for the first time!

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