Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Jake the Pirate

Our friends Jake and Deb have been QUITE a topic of conversation in the Cupery household :)

Jake the Pirate

While sitting at church one Sunday, Penny got really excited when our friends Jake and Deb sat across the aisle from us. Jake is Penny's chiropractor, so I tried to explain to Lily who Jake was and why Penny was excited to see him. A few minutes later Lily's eyes got huge and she leaned in and whispered "Mom! Jake's a pirate." and started laughing and I said "No Lil, he is a chiropractor." thinking she had misheard what I had told her. On the way home she explained that Jake was a pirate with Peter Pan in Neverland. Apparently there is a TV show "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" she had seen at Nana and Papa's house.


So a few days later we told the girls we were going to go visit Jake & Deb's new house. Lily asked "Jake the pirate?!" I said "No Lily, Jake is not a pirate." After pondering this for awhile she asked "Does he have a boat?" ... I knew she had me, because Jake and Deb just bought a house on Beaver Dam lake and they do in fact have a boat... I said "Well, yes he does have a boat but..." Lily exclaimed "THEN HE'S A PIRATE!!" 

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