Saturday, October 20, 2012

Miss Penny meets the baby

Oct 16, 2012 I had a regular check up scheduled with my OB Dr Effie Siomos. Since Don has not gotten to go to any appointments this time around, I wanted him to be there. Lily was at preschool so we brought Penny along.

After all the routine checks the Dr had me up on the table to check the baby's heartbeat with the doppler. At 10weeks 3days, they could not find the Heartbeat, so they did an ultrasound to show me the heartbeat and give me peace of mind. This day I was 14wks 4days and I was fully expecting for Penny to get to hear the baby's heart. After 10mins the Dr still couldn't find it. She went to get the portable ultrasound machine... I lay on the table panicing (to myself of course). I was afraid that something had happened to our baby and I was now going to have to try to explain that to Penny.

Thankfully the Dr came through the door then and hooked up her machine. Penny kept saying "What's that mommy?" she was very concerned for what the Dr was doing to me when she put the wand on my tummy... And then there it was. As Don, Pen, and Dr watched the perfect little profile of our baby, I watched the wonder on my little girl's face. Penny's mouth dropped open and then her eyes got huge "Mama!! That's a baby!! That's the baby in your tummy! I see it!" Oh yes the preggo hormones kicked in and I teared up watching her. The baby looked great and was waving and kicking and rolling on the screen. He/She put on quite a show for us all. I was so glad that Penny and Don got to be at this appointment with me!


  1. What a special moment for you all! I've got crazy pregnant hormone tears in my eyes now!! Congratulations on #3.

  2. I've got tears in my eyes too! Five months isn't too late to blame on post-pregnancy hormones, is it? :)

    1. Lol yea I think the crazy preggo hormones stay in your system forever once you've had one!
