Friday, February 15, 2013

32wks Pregnant?!?!

Yep, you read that right, I am already 8weeks away from my due date, which is roughly 56days (not that I am counting). I am so thankful to be out of my 2nd trimester!! 2nd trimester was terrible for me and full of morning (all day and night) sickness. Thankfully my passing out episodes have been greatly reduced, I have to take it easy and as a precaution not drive or go anywhere on my own. I am so glad we got Penny fully potty trained by November because there is no way I could have been running her up and downs the stairs.

I have been having ultrasounds every 4wks to check baby's growth (because of the heart meds I am on) Today he is measuring just shy of 5lbs :) that is 68th percentile and a huge relief off my chest! He is well on his way to being bigger than Penny (8lbs 8oz). We have gotten most of the nursery done and with the help of my family, and a lot of bargain shopping, we have been able to pull together a wardrobe for our little man. I truly can't wait to hold my little man, but I know he needs to cook a bit longer.

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