Friday, February 15, 2013

Lily turns 4!

We have been a very busy house and I have fallen behind once again!

Miss Lily turned four on Jan 30th! Don and I are both in shock that our little girl is growing up so fast. On Lily's birthday weekend, aunt Michelle and aunt Jessica and soon to be uncle Jason came up to help us celebrate! We also finally got to celebrate Christmas with them, so there were presents galore!

We opened lots of presents and had a cake for lunch and for supper we all went to the Sake House in Beaver Dam. Aunt Jessie tried to teach the girls how to use chop sticks to pass the time. We all had some good laughs and enjoyed our time as a family.

Unfortunately our time with them was cut short due to an ice storm so they had to leave a day early. It was so nice for the girls to get to see them, even if for a little while. It is hard to see our family in Iowa over the winter months.

The weekend after Lily's birthday we celebrated with Don's family at nana and papa's house. Nana, Papa, CJ, aunt Kels, and great-grandma Cupery all came over to celebrate. Lily was so excited to get her blanket from Great-grandma (Every great-grand gets a handmade blanket from Grandma Cupery on their 4th birthday).I was unfortunately very sick over Lily's birthday weekend and didn't get to participate. Don took some pictures and it looks like they had a nice time!

We actually registered Lily for 4K today and it seems unreal! We can't believe the girls will both be in school half days next year... Time has really flown

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